Fortiori Law in Amersham and Slough provides professional legal services. Get in touch to discuss our fees and find out more about us and what we can do for you.
Hourly rates of Mr Faraz Farooq - £225.00 (no VAT)
All charges and estimates quoted above does not take into account separate costs for Counsel’s fees, travel disbursements, expert’s fees, file opening fees, photocopying charges where bundles are substantially large in size and courier costs. Other disbursement charges may also apply.
Residential Housing
Initial review of Deregulation Act documents / tenancy agreement to consider and advise as to validity of section 21 notice - £195.00 (no VAT)
Service of a Section 21 Notice and Certificate of Service - £275.00 (no VAT)
Service of a Section 8 Notice (Landlord to provide rent arrears schedule) - £350.00 (no VAT)
Issue of an accelerated claim - £850.00 (no VAT) plus Court fee (£391.00)
Issue of a claim based on grounds - £975.00 (no VAT) plus Court fee (£391.00). These charges may be higher if a lengthy witness statement is required to accompany the claim form.
If the case should become defended, this will proceed as a litigation matter and my hourly rate is £225.00 (no VAT) per hour will apply.
Should a hearing be listed, fixed fee quotations shall be obtained from our preferred Chambers based in London. Each quotation will depend on the seniority of barrister you wish to instruct and the complexity of each case.
Request for Warrant of Possession (Bailiff) and Bailiff Risk Assessment Questionnaire - £275.00 (no VAT) plus Court fee (£143.00)
Lasting Powers of Attorney Fees
Our prices are fixed fees and based on the number of Lasting Powers of Attorney we are preparing:
Single LPA (an individual is making one type of LPA) £600 (no VAT)
Two LPAs (where a couple are making one LPA each or an individual is making both types) £900 (no VAT)
Four LPAs (a couple are making both types) £1250 (no VAT)
This service includes:
An initial, no obligation consultation of up to an hour and a half at one of our offices with our LPA specialists. A home visit may be possible depending on your circumstances and location
Advice about the pros and cons of making an LPA
Advice about your choice of attorneys
A second meeting to sign the LPA
Advice about the different ways that attorneys can be appointed
Advice about attorney’s duties once appointed
A professional certificate provider (unless a capacity assessment is required)
Arranging for your attorneys to sign the LPA
Registration of the LPA with the Office of the Public Guardian
What isn’t included:
Obtaining capacity assessments
We do not provide professional certificates or undertake any assessments in respect of capacity.
OPG Registration fees when payable (currently £82 per LPA subject to your financial position)
Certifying Documents Fees
Fortiori Law charges a fixed fee of £5.00 (no VAT) per page to certify a document as a true copy of the original.
In respect of Oaths and Affidavits, our fixed fees are £5.00 (no VAT) per oath/affidavit/statutory declaration plus £2.00 (no VAT) per exhibit.
If you require us to witness a document, we charge £20.00 (no VAT) per document.
We also certify photographs to be a true likeliness of the individual presenting the photo. For this, we charge a fixed fee of £5.00 (no VAT) per photo.
Land Registry I.D. 1 Verification Forms = £80.00 (no VAT).
Legal Services You Can Count On
Legal Advice
Mediation Specialists
Commissioner for Oaths
Fully Insured